
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Characteristics of Interviewing Essay Example for Free

Characteristics of Inter visible horizoning EssayWhen Susan conversed with Leslie and Scott, she was talk with an eye contact and moving her hands and other body parts. She moved her head whenever she wanted to crush out that she was able to understand. Susan succeeded while maintaining her eye contact and stopping at interval whenever she felt was the right magazine to allow the thinking procedure. She demonstrated the pair that she was paying attention to what they were saying by using low-down phrases comparable I see, and oh hmm. Her hand movements also helped.Open stop questionSusan asked Leslie many open ended questions much(prenominal) as, Assist me, how was it helpful? How do you feel rough that? She intended to know about Leslies sentiments and thoughts. She wished to view things from Leslies prospective. Susan succeeded while asking such questions. Leslie gave answers openly and gives details about her feeling under given circumstances. It helped in creating fru itful discussion.Closed ended questionThere are few queries which have restricted replies like Susan asking sealed ended queries to Scot, Can you show me the evidence? This resulted in a yes or no conversation with Scott. There are not proper details or sentiments required to reply such queries. It finishes that particular section of discussion.Reflection of content or paraphraseSusan applied the instance of extraction of textbook and interpretation in the film by stating, In my opinion, I am listening to and she moves on withLeslies rehearsal by briefing the details. Leslie then let Susan know if she is right.Reflection of feelingA sample of manifestation of feeling is when Susan asks Scott, and thats difficult for you Scott? She also states, I couldnt hear when your wife said that, are you stressed about what she thinks of you? Susan succeeded with the consideration of Scotts sentiments and what he feels about Leslie.ReferenceEmotionally Focused Couples Therapy, in Couples Ther apy with the Experts 7, Governors State University. Communications Services. (Psychotherapy.net, 2009), cxv26 min.

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